Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Emotional re-balance

Am not the most emotional person you would find. Recently, I have gone through some tough times in a emotional manner. It was more like an emotional roller-coaster ride. At first it affected me, then my brain took control and shut me down (like a power plant shutting down) emotionally.

About a month back, when almost all the trauma was over, I think my Left brain woke up the right brain and started the process of emotional re-balance. Now its almost over I guess and I am back to almost where I was 3 months back.

Typically, a person's brain shuts down emotionally when the external stimuli varies greatly making the emotions hit the top and bottom boundaries of the band in which they should fluctuate in STP environment. The time to shut down varies from brain to brain.

I dont know if "emotional re-balancing" is a principle or a widespread word from a classical psychology point of view, but I am using it just to explain the phenomenon.

If you use this table given below - with value on X axis varying between 0 to 3600 at an interval of 300 and value on Y-axis being Sin of these values (remember Trigonometry ???)..

X 0 300 600 900 1200 1500
Y 0







1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600








You get a graph if you trace Y-axis... something like this -


So, at 0 - the emotions displayed are also "ZERO". Once the brain starts re-activating right side brain, the emotions per situation varies as Sin of situation index always staying between +1 and -1 (cos thats what sin curve does). It keeps going from one extreme to another extreme for a few days - remember - this is not normal - normally it might be a linear curve for the less emotional people and may be an exponential one for more emotional people - but the variation is always directly proportional to situation index (that's the phrase I coined for this blog).

While emotional re-balancing is going, if I explain in LAYMAN's language - then the theorem goes like this - "the emotions of a person varies for a small change in situation index oscillating between positive and negative values" - which means that the predictability of emotional behaviour of a person for any external stimuli (situation index) becomes very low.

Emotional re-balancing is a process which the brain undertakes to bring back the person to a less logical state from an absolutely logical state.

Now consider, dampening of the curve shown above - which means that the oscillations become less and than become predictable again. The emotions start varying within a band.

Slowly, the brain also starts oscillating within a band. The brain keeps playing Ellsworth Toohey turning Howard Roarks of the world into Peter Keatings.


nitya said...

Figures? Tables? You are determined to make me stop reading your blog, aren't you? :-)

Shilpa said...

Gawd! puhleeeeeeese spare me.........