Saturday, November 12, 2011

Elevated Earth

It's strange that when every night you sleep, you don't realize that the earth rises in elevation. Bacause if you wake up pre-dawn, before the earth has returned to its level, you wake up in the sky.

Clouds passing through you, ambling right ahead. Everything just merges into one another, a little more. It's hazy, boundary less. Lights diffusing and not shining.

Everything seems to be fused with each other. A little more.

The buildings merging into the sky and background. The lights like lanterns glowing with a smoky haze.

It's a very spiritual feeling that you feel more part of the world than ever.

Tall trees rising and then disappearing somewhere at the top. It's more mysterious almost like you are closer to the vast universe compared to the cozy comfort of the familier earth.

It's all very beautiful and mysteriously calming.

1 comment:

Mira said...

Wow makes me want to wake up i the middle of the night to see this unfold in front of my eyes