Saturday, August 24, 2013


I have gone back to watching Chanakya. I think this is one serial which helps me think. Its like going back to roots. 

Over a period of time when you grow up, you become a person, have your house, family, friends, you become someone who is different from what you were. And yet in many ways, you remain the same. Your thought process becomes more rigid, stable, clear. You start standing for things you think you should stand for. And you are just too full of yourself :).

This is when, serials like these, keep you grounded. They tell you that there is a greater goal, or can be a greater goal. Bigger than a house, and a car and the money you earn. As, at the end of the day, all these are utilities only.

I vividly remember having numerous discussions with my dad about Chanakya. He was opposed to the philosophy of "samrajyawaad" or imperialism. And has always wanted India to be several small parts tied by the thread of culture. Different parts of body acting together when needed. But, you don't have to make it into a single part.

Logically, this makes perfect sense. And I see the point. Its just that the "pragmatic" in me always thought, this would be very difficult to implement as its very easy for all people to start pushing their own agenda and its just easy to forget about the greater good. In order to keep remembering the greater good and work towards that good, you need a very strong system which keeps reminding people of this.

So, how do we ensure that there is constant positive reinforcement of of these things. Earlier, it was the education system, which was ensuing this. And that's what Chanakya tried to do. Used the influence of teachers in society to change the course of history.

How do we plan to do it today?

Well, the first step is to get into the system. And how do you get into the system... that's the big question. And, right now, I don't have that answer.

May be one reason I keep going back to Chanakya is to find that answer. :).

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