Friday, February 22, 2008

Of busy fathers and beauty conscious mothers

14th Feb - Valentine's day. There was a function in Arjun's school. Fathers invited only. No mommy's, but as usual, there were some fathers and some mothers.

It was a well arranged function. Games, video, something to eat etc etc. There was a dancing stage set and photographers ready for you to take pics of you with your son/daughter. All in all, a job well done.

The idea was that the fathers can spend some time with their children. The fathers were spending time with their children, yes, but were also checking their mails on blackberrys, talking on the phone continuously.

Seriously, I admire the fathers who just said 'sorry' and didn't come. At least the mothers were doing a good job of being with their children.

Well, some of them were also putting a lot of pressure on their children to look good. :-) Just before the photo session, the combs and talc came out of the big purse and... Zaayyyyyaaaaaaaaad... please come here bete and comb and put powder. :-)

Well, such is the way of life... you need to look busy and good. Convoluted Simplicity should be the phrase...

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