Saturday, July 06, 2013


Lately I have been trying out newer techniques as reading on the ipad or phone. And I didnt really enjoy the concept of reading on my phone. And I know its not a whim as I did read one full book on my phone.

I am realizing that I stilll enjoy reading the old fashioned way. A book in hand which you can feel and touch and use as pillow :). Open up the book and smell the pages :).

I used to use the book as a pillow sometimes when I was in college. I used to think that the dense medium does an osmosis into the rarer medium of my brain :).

Anyways. I will still try reading on a tablet though. I think a phone, no matter how large the screen is, is still small compared to a book page. May be a tablet is more apt. Lets see if size matters here :).

Meanwhile, I visited some book stores and picked up some books :).

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