Monday, October 22, 2012

Intelligent people of Mandya

We pass through Mandya on the way to Mysore. Now Mandya happens to be the largest town on the way to Mysore. It's claim to fame is sugarcane produce and so rich sugar lobby people.

While you cross Mandya, there is this 5 km stretch which goes through the city - SH17. This place has put around 4 signals on the road. Each of the signals is above 150 secs. So one, you keep waiting and then 1 signal is next to bus stand. So irrespective of state of signal, bus drivers feel they have the born right of way and so keep pushing their buses in the middle. This just makes the signal stop of 150 secs even worse. As some times when signal is on, buses are all blocking the way and you can't go.

May be its worth investing all that money you earn in some intelligence and planning, people of Mandya.

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